Our Cases (34)
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  • Technologies

Smart Contract Security Audit For Lockon Finance
During the audit, we meticulously examined the security of smart contracts for the Lockon Finance protocol. Our primary objective was to detect and elaborate on any security vulnerabilities in the platform’s smart contracts.
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Smart Contract Security Audit For EverDues
Blaize Security team has conducted the audit for the EverDues protocol. The protocol represents a platform for recurring payments and subscriptions. It utilizes ERC-20 tokens to pay for subscriptions and the payment is executed automatically.
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The Second Smart Contract Security Audit For Everstake
The Blaize Security team has conducted an audit of the Everstake B2C protocol. The audit’s goal was to verify the security of staking, withdrawal, and collection of rewards mechanisms and validate the security of users’ funds.
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Smart Contract Security Audit For SyntheX
The audited protocol is a synthetics platform based on the overcollaterization principle. The platform receives collateral deposits from users and mints synthetics by the linear utilization rate together with debt tokens for the user.
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Smart Contract Security Audit For Everstake
In this use case, we consider the security of the contracts for Everstake. Our task was to find and describe security issues in the platform’s smart contracts. The Blaize.Security team has received a set of contracts prepared by the Everstake team.
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