TokenDeal is a protocol for NFT sales. The contract represents the main sale phases: funds collection during purchase, purchased NFT mint after the sale, and collected funds withdrawal.
Blaize’s task was to find and describe security issues in the smart contracts of the platform.
We needed to check the TokenDeal protocol with the following parameters:
- Whether contracts are secure on both sides of the bridge;
- Whether the implemented functionality corresponds to the documentation;
- Whether contracts meet best practices in efficient use of gas and code readability.
- Whether the bridge flow is safe for users.
We have scanned both sets of smart contracts for commonly known and more specific vulnerabilities:
- Unsafe types conversion and unsafe math;
- Timestamp Dependence;
- Reentrancy (for Solidity part);
- Correct roles distribution and access control flow;
- Gas Limit and Loops;
- Transaction-Ordering Dependence;
- DoS attacks with (Gas Limit, unexpected reverts, storage abuse, etc.);
- Byte array vulnerabilities;
- Style guide violation;
- ERC20 standard correspondence and correct tokens usage;
- Uninitialized state/storage/ local variables;
Also, the TokenDeal protocol was checked against less common vulnerabilities from the internal Blaize.Security knowledge base.